Exciting news

Congrats to Angele Boulanger!!!!!!

Angele Boulanger, an undergraduate volunteer in our lab, received NIDA P30 Award from NAPE center to work on developing chemogenetic methods in non-human primates. She will be supervised by Dr. Krys Wieczerzak, and her project will involve immhunohistological staining to test the expression of chemogenetic receptors. Thus stay tuned for pretty pictures 😊

Welcome to Dr. Kevan Kidder!!!!!!

Dr. Kevan Kidder joined our Dream Team after successfully defending his Ph.D. in psychology at UW. He worked in Dr. Sheri Mizumori lab, where he investigated the prefrontal cortex processes involved in decision-making in rodents. In Basso's lab, following his interests in decision-making, he will be investigating how it is affected in neurogenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. We are excited to welcome him to our team :)


CONGRATS Mary and Vaibhav!!!